C’est pas que le cilp soit incroyable, même si j’aime bien l’ambiance… Mais la chanson est accrocheuse. Un refrain qui fait penser à Soulwax, des riffs de guitares tendus comme il faut… Ce titre extrait de l’EP Murderology, paru en mars dernier, est le fruit de la collaboration entre Vincent W. Jacob et Fanny Hill, deux Français expatriés à LA et réunis sous la bannière Yard of Blondes. Ca valait bien une petite écoute.
I’m not very tech minded but I got my hashtags to attach with the dernciptioc/somments on the post and not added in comments after they were posted. Don’t know if it’s right or if that helps.K
Rugemor gleeeeder seg til Ã¥ ringe tante som mÃ¥ hive seg pÃ¥ hjul for Ã¥ ta imot prinsessen… !! Ha en strÃ¥lende feiring sÃ¥ lenge 😉 Suss fra lillesøster
Oh hai! Have you considered the British Box Breakout (do a search on google)? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my father got a ton of money.
Yes. The event is free to the public. If, however, you would be interested in renting a “premium” seat, which is essentially a padded chair, rather than bringing your own or sitting on the ground/grass, those are available for $5 suggested donation. Thanks!
It will be hard to decide, but I think the Red Thread Crafts pattern I love most (and will likely purchase first!) is the Lion and Lamb pattern. The Birds and Beasts pattern is amazing and I know a very talented embroiderer who would love that design.